Contatto Diretto Con Dio - Meditazione sulla Luce Interiore e sul Suono Interiore

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Digiuno di succhi per la pace

Numero: 865
Data: 7 marzo 2009
Luogo: Culver City, CA, Stati Uniti
Occasione: Videoconferenza
Lingua: inglese
Sottotitoli: arabo, vietnamita, cinese semplificato, cinese tradizionale, croato, olandese, inglese, francese, tedesco, ebreo, hindi, ungherese, indonesiano, italiano, giapponese, coreano, farsi, polacco, portoghese, punjabi, rumeno, russo, spagnolo, tailandese, turco, urdu.

A one-week "Juice Fast for Peace" was held in Culver City, California, USA, by famed health specialists and spiritual leaders, Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, M.D., and Reverend Michael Beckwith, Ph.D. All the participants experienced the purification of body and mind, and elevation of spirituality, suggesting that fasting has truly unbelievable benefits to our body, mind and spirituality.

When relating fasting to healing of the Earth, Supreme Master Ching Hai said through videoconference with the participants, "It is not just a one week fast, it also awakens our inner courage. At least in a short period of time after the fast, you would have the courage that you can do anything and you can fast for an even longer time, let alone just change to a vegetarian or vegan diet. Therefore, after one or two weeks of fasting, you would feel you are invincible."