Contatto Diretto Con Dio - Meditazione sulla Luce Interiore e sul Suono Interiore

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Tutti gli animali sono intrinsecamente buoni

Numero: 955
Data: 18, 21 ottobre, 21 novembre 2008 e 15, 21 aprile 2009
Occasione: Incontri internazionli
Lingua: inglese
Sottotitoli: inglese, cinese semplificato, cinese tradizionale, vietnamita, coreano, giapponese, mongolo, indonesiano, malese, tailandese, hindi, punjabi, farsi, arabo, russo, polacco, bulgaro, ungherese, croato, ceco, tedesco, francese, italiano, spagnolo, portoghese.

This DVD is a collection of three international gatherings between Supreme Master Ching Hai and Association members.

The Supreme Master revealed that animals were inherently good, and each had its own personality. She gave examples of how to interact with dogs so as to make them be good and obedient. The Supreme Master emphasized that even dogs who had so called "problems", can also bring happiness and pleasure to their caretakers once properly trained.

All animals have their own secret codes, and by knowing these codes, one can better understand them. The Supreme Master also shared a miraculous story in which one of her parrots offered an olive twig to another beautiful female parrot to make peace with her.